Thursday, November 29, 2007

What's Your Holiday Theme Song?

My Result: Deck the Halls

Satsuki, your holiday theme song is Deck the Halls

Take this test!

Good cheer? You've got it to spare. Come December, you're the kind of person who can spread joy for miles. Whether you're smiling at the Salvation Army Santa, rounding up a group of friends for a lively gathering, or decking the halls like nobody can, you know how to get into the Christmas spirit!

There's something about your upbeat manner that helps you rise above the chaos of the season. And that keeps you humming to your own holiday beat. So dust off those ornaments, show off those cards, and belt out those carols at the top of your lungs if the mood strikes you. Your enthusiasm can be contagious, so why not share the wealth? 'Tis the season to be jolly after all. And what better way to show it than by bringing your fa-la-la-la-la with you wherever you go?

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