Every year without fail, few of us will visit our Sec sch teacher, Mdm Seah, during Chinese new year. This photo was taken some yrs back..
But as time goes by, this 2-3 yrs, it had been standard, Hon wai, ah xun, ah xiang, ah miao n me... N also standard, we, always late due to unforeseen situations(Hahaha.. excuses).
Ok, this yr, we made a point to be on time, reach at 1pm.. Being the auntie me, nag n nag n nag at all the regulars latecomers to be on time..Luckily everyone was on time.. But the bus was late!!! We waited nearly 30 mins for the only bus tt goes to Mdm Seah's place.
Since we got nothing to do, ah xiang took out his camera n start snapping away.But its so hot and we are grumbling why the bus not here..Finally we saw the bus after 30 mins of wait.. AIR CON!!!! Eh.but the bus driver super grouchy.He was late but yet still blaming the passengers for alighting slow la etc.He drove so fast in the small lanes tt I tik its dangerous driving... Any way.. Finally we've reached... Mdm Seah and her mum prepared lunch for us.. She said its simple lunch, but we thought no, she must had spent quite a bit of time preparing for us... I always loved her yu sheng. Coz she always have a lot of fruits in it... Yummy... Everyone was hungry due to the long journey traveled and couldnt wait to tuck in...
Hey, know wat we spotted? Every year, we cracked our brains on wat to buy for Mdm Seah when visiting her.. This yr miao suggested hamper but then again but thougths, we thought it wasnt much worth it... Then we notice from a gift website and thought, y not get this.. So we ordered through online and get them to deliver for us.. On the card, we signed off as, from 4 pigs and half pig-dog(xiang). Coz we are born in yr of pig and this is the yr of pig, so this gift seems quite appropriate.
After yakking for hrs.. Its time to say goodbye..And of coz also, Mdm Seah's relatives came for visit, we thought we shall make a move for them then....
We had one grp photo before moving off... Byebye... We shall come again next yr..
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